Cambrian volcanism in the Anti-Atlas of Morocco

For my master thesis, I analyzed a Cambrian shallow marine siliciclastic succession with intercalated volcanic to sub-volcanic units. My collaborators and I described an alkaline sequence of eruptive, effusive and intrusive magmatites in an extensional setting (aborted rifting). The eruptive style varied from subaquatic phreatomagmatic to Surtseyan to subaquatic lava fountaining and flows. In particular the strong variation of the eruptive styles was fascinating me. My thesis was emphasizing a multi-disciplinary approach including mapping, sedimentology, physical volcanology, and geochemistry.
First results of the thesis have been presented at the GeoBremen 2017 as a poster presentation. A first peer reviewed publication: “Brauner et al. (2020). Cambrian shallow-marine to emergent alkaline volcanism near Ouinguigui (Ougnat inlier, eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco): volcanic facies, geochemistry and geodynamic setting.” is available in the Journal of African Earth Sciences and has been presented at the GeoMünster 2019. You will find everything on ResearchGate! The work was supervised by Christoph Breitkreuz and performed in collaboration with Martin Arndt, Zakarya Yajioui, Brahim Karaoui, and Abdelkader Mahmoudi.